Manual Handling
Manual Handling
More than one third of all injuries reported each year to the HSE involve Manual Handling. Prevention is certainly better than cure when it comes to back and limb injuries, which is why more and more companies are now making sure their staff are properly trained in correct manual handling techniques.
Our manual handling course covers all of the necessary aspects of task and load assessment, theory and practical training with different types of load and the physical approach to lifting.
Our manual handling training courses comply fully with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (amended 2002) and the European Directive 90/269/EEC.
½ Day
Course Content
• Legislation
• Definition of Manual Handling
• Causes of Accidents
• The Spine
• Vertebrae
• Back Injuries
• Mechanics of lifting
• Risk Assessments
• Team Lifting
• Theory and practical tests
Course Outcomes
On successful completion, delegates will receive an MG Scotland Certificate of Competence.